Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Moving... again

I cannot believe that February is almost over.  Wow, what a month.  I'm in the process of moving from NY to PA, and I hope to be completely moved by the end of this upcoming weekend.

Currently, I'm in Ohio for a few days.  I brought my little princess kitteh, Bella, back to Ohio to spend some time with her Grandma.  I'm going to miss Bella like crazy, and I know that she's going to miss me.  It was a huge adjustment for her to move to NY with me, and she has been very spoiled with me being home with her during the day lately.  We arrived on Monday evening from NY, and Bella did so much better on the car ride this time around.  Granted, that is partially due to the fact that I medicated her with a higher dose of medication than I used the last time... and secondly, this is also the 2nd time she's been on an 8+ hour car ride (and won't be her last trip-- as she will be moving to PA eventually).

Now I'm in a sort of holding pattern as far as my job goes... and this is worrisome to me just because I still have bills to pay and really need to have an income.  I have to wait until I am granted a license in PA, and who knows how long that's going to take.  I am working on two other state boards to get letters mailed to PA... and *fingers crossed* they do so in the near future.

Today I felt like crap.  I slept horribly last night... waking up multiple times in the middle of the night, and my neck and body ached when I woke up this morning.  Also, I had a headache for a better part of the day today and just generally felt run down/exhausted.  I took a shower, hoping that it would make me feel better... but it actually made me feel a little worse.  I had chills and could not stay warm.  Finally, I found a warm blanket, put on socks, sweatpants, and a thermal shirt under my sweater... and I felt nice, cozy, and warm and fell asleep on the sofa for an hour or so.  After my little cat nap, my headache was gone (thank goodness), and I'm feeling a bit better now.  I haven't been nauseated or anything, but I didn't really have an appetite today.  I did eat a turkey and cheese sandwich, string cheese, and greek yogurt earlier in the day.  I finally got my act together and went to Target tonight to pick up caffeine-- either in the form of Diet Coke or coffee... (diet coke with lime = winner), nail polish remover (as my mom has none-- absolutely DO NOT understand this at all), and a new NP to try.  Additionally, I did some stuff around here including: sorting through textbooks and notes-- picking out more stuff that I may or may not need as references at my new job, finished my last load of laundry, washed my two duvet covers, and I still have to go through drawers of lounge clothes and pack all of that as well as my dresser into the back seat of my car.

Plan for tomorrow-- to PA or bust!  I'm going to unpack my car (again), stay for a few days, and then back to NY to hopefully finish packing and cleaning.  Lots to do in a very short period of time... I just want to be moved already.  I know, impatient much? Very!  I have zero patience for this... maybe I should consider coercing people into helping me pack and clean?  That's probably one of the better ideas I've had lately.  At least I won't feel guilty packing boxes in the presence of my cat now.  She was getting so stressed to see boxes everywhere and me packing things up.  Poor baby!  I think she honestly thought I was going to leave her and take everything with me... except for her.  The only downfall of not having her in NY is that it's going to be that much harder for me to be in the apartment to pack and clean.  I've never been there alone.  She has always been there with me, but knowing that she's safe with Grandma does make me feel a little better.

Now I'm just rambling... and I have a lot to do here in Ohio before leaving, so I guess I better get on it!


Thursday, February 9, 2012

My luck is changing...

Wow, sorry that I have been failing at updating everyone on my life.  February 1st marked two months of unemployment for me.  I had sent several applications out for various general practice and emergency positions... in Louisiana, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and New York.  As you may remember... I interviewed at two practices in New York during the last week or so of January-- but I just wasn't sold on either one.  The people were very nice, but each practice had things I disagreed with... and I became more discouraged about the job hunt.

I then found a position advertised in Northeast PA, which was confidential, and through a service that works for practices.  I contacted the woman who was serving as liaison for the practice, talked with her on the phone, had my references checked... and she set me up for interviewing on Monday and Tuesday of this week.  It is currently a two doctor practice that practices advanced medicine and surgery (soft tissue only, yay!  I am so not an orthopod).  Small animal only, with access to ultrasound, echocardiography, EKG, blood pressure measurement, a tonopen for ophthalmology, essentially 98% digital records, endoscopy, rhinoscopy, and laser surgery capabilities.  The technicians and assistants all seemed really happy to be there, got along well together, and all respected the doctors.  The two doctors get along well, and the other associate is still a young doctor graduating only a year before me-- but starting practice at the same time as I did.  At the end of the second day of the interview, I met again with the office manager and was offered the position.  It still feels very surreal, as I am so used to having bad things happen to me lately... that I still quite can't believe that I was offered the job!

So, I'm moving to Pennsylvania very soon!  I have a lot to do before moving, and I hate making lists... however, this may be one time when a list benefits me.  I just submitted my application for my license in PA today, and I have to contact the other states in which I hold licenses to have them send letters of good standing to PA for me.  Lucky does not even brush the surface of what I am to get to move in with my big sister!  Yay!  I can't wait!  It's going to be so much fun living with her and my favorite kittens... the only downside is that my own little kitten, Bella, is going to have to temporarily move back to Ohio with her grandma.  I haven't decided yet when I want to move Bella... because I'd rather keep her here with me to "help" me pack before just uprooting her.  She loves being here with me, and she'll be very excited to move to a new apartment with me... eventually.  I know so many people in PA already through my sister, more than I know in NY... so it will be very easy for me to get adjusted to life there.  I've got to go sign my contract with my new employer next week, and I plan to move some boxes, maybe some furniture, and who knows what else down to PA at that time.  I've kept all of my textbooks boxed up-- so that will be quite easy to throw them into the car.  

I feel like I can breathe again.  I actually told Bella today that everything is going to be ok for us.  Sure, it's going to be a pain to have to take her to Ohio for a bit, and I hate moving... I really truly hate it.  I'm not sure if I can sublet my apartment in NY or not... but here's hoping for the best because I am moving out.  Moving on to a better position in a better place with wonderful people who I know will appreciate me.  Pennsylvania already feels more like home to me than New York has... and I can't wait to make it official.


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Happy February!

Wow, how is it already February?  I really do not know where January went.  I'm actually glad that January is over.  It was mediocre to say the least... although, I guess it could have been worse.  I wish my life would settle down.  I'm getting pretty sick of it being so up in the air, so uncertain.  However, I am a very lucky girl to be blessed with such a wonderful, strong support system of many friends and family members in my life.  There is always someone who I can talk to... and they won't judge me (or if they are judging, they aren't verbalizing it to me-- which is good because some days are better than others lately).  It's nice to have sounding boards, and I'm also happy to be there for people who need, who need a friend, who need a hug, who need to laugh, who just need to forget about the stress of life for a while.

I am feeling like February is going to be a better month for me.  Although I had a few interviews last week that were disappointing to me, I have found additional positions that could be promising for me, have made new contacts, and have also reconnected with people from my past.  Overall, it has been a good week for me so far, and it will only get better from here as I am going to visit my big sister tomorrow for the weekend.  I absolutely love visiting her.  It makes me so happy to see her bright smiling face when I arrive, and getting a hug from my sister... gives me such a warm, safe feeling.  She always makes me feel better and constantly reminds me through her words and actions that I am going to be ok.

What's in store for the weekend, you ask?  Lots of fun!  We deserve to have fun... and we always have a great time.  We could be drinking coffee, lounging in PJ's, and watching movies all day, or we could be out and about painting the town... regardless, it's always a blast.  Great company, wonderful memories... both of which I would not trade for anything in the world.  Tomorrow I will be driving for a few hours, relaxing for a bit, and then attending an exhibit opening at a museum with my sister.  I love exhibit openings, and this one is going to be fabulous for sure.  I will admit, not only am I excited that I get to see my sister and others in the community that I know... but I get to rock my new black pumps with gold stud heels.  I am in love with these shoes.  They are a bit more edgy than what I normally wear, but they are just amazing-- and yellow tagged for $39 at TJ Maxx (when retail is $158), YES PLEASE!  The brand is Modern Vintage / Rosegold, which is a great brand. I have two pairs of MV boots-- beautiful craftsmanship, super soft leather, essentially perfection in a shoe really.  I haven't decided on an outfit yet.  I have a black skirt and black top I could wear, or I may go with the peacock blue dress and black cardigan sweater.  On my nails, I am wearing one of my new favorite polishes... Heat of the Night by Le Metier de Beaute (a gift from big sister-- of course).  On Friday night, we're going downtown for First Friday to walk through art galleries, catch up with people out and about, and perhaps eat a few snacks.  First Friday is so much fun!  I've only been to it once before, but I love walking around downtown, people watching, meeting new people, and of course seeing fabulous art.  Seeing art and meeting artists makes me feel creative-- I know, how cliche right?  Yeah, but I have a creative streak... not nearly good enough to ever pursue art seriously, but I have a love for painting and photography.  So, it's easy for me to get wrapped up in viewing beautiful works.  It's soothing and lets me forget about my worries for a while... get lost in another world, and I love that feeling.  On Saturday, we're going to be starting a second batch of wine making!  It is so much fun!  We're making a white wine this time (I think), and I'm sure it will be just as tasty as the Apple Tatin Port that we made at the end of 2011.  However, this time around... we are going to be smart and take wine with us to drink WHILE we are wine making.  On Sunday, it's the Super Bowl... but we might just be lazy, watch movies, and/or have crafts time!  We'll see how things go.  

So I have a busy, fun weekend ahead... and I may also have an interview early next week!  Don't want to get too excited about that yet as nothing is set in stone.  Right now, I'm feeling hopeful about the future, excited about the weekend ahead, and I promise to be better with updating the blog more regularly next week.

Happy February!