Thursday, January 19, 2012

Coffee is all I need

I could probably live on coffee... and nothing else.  There's just nothing quite like a cup of coffee with a splash of half and half.  My favorite is Keurig dark magic k-cups.  They are so yummy.  I am also rather impressed with myself that I have been awake several hours already without coffee... which is surprising since I didn't get to sleep until 4:30 am.  I almost stayed awake all night, but I guess I finally did fall asleep.

It's sunny and cold today, but at least it's not snowing.  I could take any kind of weather really... as long as it's not snowing.  I used to think that rainy weather made me feel lazy... but nope, winter snow by far takes the cake.  I'm just hopeful that the weather holds out for next Monday and Tuesday.

While browsing Facebook this morning, I am overwhelmed with a mixture of emotions for my friends.  On one hand, I have a friend who is married with young children--who just found out that her husband had an affair and has left her.  She is such a strong person, and my heart truly is breaking for her--and even more so for her kids.  She says that she can forgive him--if he will come back home and wants her forgiveness.  Honestly, I can't say I'd be able to do the same.  Granted-- yes, I am not in her situation, so it's not really fair for me to be able to make that kind of conclusion... since I clearly have not walked a day in her shoes, but it's just how I feel.  In other happier news on Facebook, one of my classmates just started a new job in Cincinnati and another one signed her contract to start working with a practice in Columbus.  I could not possibly be happier for them!  They both deserve the very best, and the practices are lucky to have them.

So as I sit here and drink my coffee, trying to stay warm, I am reflecting on the lives of others today.


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